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Monday, 17 December 2012

Info Post

Is it ok to venerate icons of Fr. Seraphim?  

It was forbidden by our synod –Fr. Seraphim's synod– to depict un-glorified [not canonized] saints on icons.  We interpret that to mean icons showing the saint with a halo – an "icon-style portrait" without a halo is permitted.

Fr. Seraphim was a true son of the ROCOR.  He would not want to disregard synodal decrees/resolutions no matter how pious or zealous the reason might seem.  He practiced self-restraint and sobriety.  

Remember that Fr. Seraphim translated for us St. John's The Orthodox Veneration of the Mother of God.  It was important to Fr. Seraphim for us to know the error of the Romans in "over-exalting" Her even to say that she was sanctified before Her own birth.  Fr. Seraphim warned us of excesses in any direction.  He himself would not want to be the object of an excess.

Is Fr. Seraphim a saint?  Is he given to us by God as an intercessor?  Do we know this?  Many suspect it.  Certainly Fr. Seraphim is in heaven.  If he is not, then there is no hope for the rest of us.  But not all of heaven's inhabitants are given to us as universal intercessors, which is the reason the Church glorifies them, so that the faithful know to call on them for their intercessory prayers.

If Fr. Seraphim is to be glorified, this will come in God's time.  In the meantime we can ask for God's will to be revealed in the matter.  And we can do as so many saints have asked before their canonizations: have Fr. Seraphim commemorated at the Liturgies and have pannikihidas served for him.  But, please, not in apostasized jurisdictions –not without sincere apologyotherwise it is the same schizophrenic contradiction as when a new calendar Church celebrates the feast of a saint who was martyred defending the old calendar.  Fr. Seraphim, had he lived, never would have left ROCOR and never would have joined the RocorMP or any Church in world orthodoxy.  His concern and compassion for those stuck in world orthodoxy was to help them in their struggle to overcome it.  Those who work to bring about apostasy/renovationism, or who just accept it without a fight, are those who work against what Fr. Seraphim labored for.

The urge to venerate Fr. Seraphim can be passed on to St. John S&SF.  Fr. Seraphim is truly one of St. John's miracles.  St. John took Fr. Seraphim under his wing and instructed him in an "academy" that he established just for Fr. Seraphim.  By St. John's prayers, Fr. Seraphim  became a miraculous American missionary.  And now, just as St. John is loved everywhere in the whole world, so is Fr. Seraphim.  Fr. Seraphim is an extension of St. John's universal ministry.  And it is obviously a miracle.

This connection between St. John and Fr. Seraphim has a practical application which bears pointing out.   Many folks don't realize that when somebody argues with Fr. Seraphim, [such as about the toll houses or the age of the earth], then they are arguing with St. John, because Fr. Seraphim learned it directly from St. John.


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