To understand what this explanation is about, first see:
Example of Platina rewriting Fr. Seraphim
Compare Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future
1983 edition vs 2004 edition
The difference is this:
1983 edition
... Many of them follow the bishops of the few Orthodox jurisdictions that have taken strong stands against the apostasy of our times: the Catacomb Church of Russia, the ROCOR, the TOC of Greece. But there are some left in other jurisdictions also, grieving over the ever more evident apostasy of their hierarchs and striving somehow to keep their own Orthodoxy intact; and there are still others outside the...
2004 edition
... Many of them follow the bishops of the few Orthodox churches that have taken strong stands against the apostasy of out times. But there are some left in other Orthodox churches also, grieving over the ever more evident apostasy of their hierarchs and striving somehow to keep their own Orthodoxy intact; and there are still others outside the...
The difference is in the substitution of the word "churches" for "jurisdictions". Fr. Seraphim clearly meant "jurisdictions" and he even named the royal path jurisdictions of his day.
The word "church", especially with a small "c", can mean "parish" or even "parish building" which can be in any jurisdiction, or even be a heterodox church. This change in the 2004 paragraph conveys the implication that jurisdiction does not matter. It implies that any parish in world orthodoxy can be justified by having traditional characteristics or views, regardless of what their bishops do or think.
The rewriting in the 2004 edition deceives readers into thinking that any parish could belong to the traditional "strong" category regardless of its jurisdiction. [How often we hear from the traditionally-minded people in world orthodoxy that they are "fighting from within"?]
Church with a capital "C" is understood by Orthodox to be the jurisdiction. We refer to the Greek Church, the Serbian Church, Russian Church, and Ecumenical Council of all the Churches. Example: How many churches [parishes] are in the Russian Church [jurisdiction]?
Nobody has any business changing any of Fr. Seraphim's words. He meant what he said, and he said what he meant.
Nobody has any business changing any of Fr. Seraphim's words. He meant what he said, and he said what he meant.
Also see Orthodoxy in America:
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