Website Review
The website owner is the infamous out-of-the-closet 'Orthodox' Charismatic, Fr. Eusebius Stephanou. His jurisdiction is the American Greek Church, which is at the lower end of the world Orthodox spectrum. His agenda, to "synchronize the Eastern Orthodox Church with the charismatic movement", is in direct opposition to the teachings of our Church's Holy Fathers [as passed on to us in wholeness and sobriety by Fr. Seraphim Rose and other revered Church Fathers]. [quote from wiki]
According to Fr. Seraphim Rose et. al., St. Symeon the New Theologion is "... badly misused by the Orthodox 'charismatics' [he was speaking of a Spirit different from theirs!]".
Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future, chapter VIII, 1.D.
The Spirit of the charismatics ["Orthodox" or heterodox] is not the same Holy Spirit that we know in the Orthodox Church of our holy fathers. And the "gifts" which pour from this imposter spirit, are not the same gifts of the Holy Spirit we know in the Holy Orthodox Church.
Don't be deceived. Learn to discern the spirits.
Also see posts labeled "Orthodox Charismatics" on the Remnant Rocor blog.
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