Breaking News
Saturday 29 September 2007

Info Post
Many things are "hidden" in our Faith, especially from those who are blinded spiritually.  Christ even prayed thanking the Father that certain things are hidden from the wise and revealed unto babes.  Our sacraments are called "Mysteries" because there is a spiritual reality in them.  The spiritual reality is hidden from those who are spiritually blinded, and they can only see the sacraments as ritual.  

It is the same with the royal path.  There is a spiritual reality to it that is hidden more often than not.  Those unable to see the spiritual reality will usually try to define the royal path as some place or compromise between the extremes of super-correct ["true" Orthodoxy] and world Orthodoxy.

But super-correctness and renovationism, Fr. Seraphim has taught us, are just flip sides of the same disease.

Fr. Seraphim taught that the world orthodoxy [renovastionism] and the
super-correct [true orthodoxy] are just flip sides of the same coin:
opposite manifestations of the same disease.  The Royal Path is not a
"mixture" of these extremes, but a path of it's own that is above them
both.  The world orthodox is a fleshy path and the "true" is an
intellectual path, both are worldly.

The Royal Path is other-worldly.  Fr. Seraphim found it.


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