Be wary. Find out who their bishop is. Watch for signs of behaviors unbecoming to monastics. M onks, especia l ly hier om onks, are s...

Be wary. Find out who their bishop is. Watch for signs of behaviors unbecoming to monastics. M onks, especia l ly hier om onks, are s...
Many things are "hidden" in our Faith, especially from those who are blinded spiritually. Christ even prayed thanking the Father ...
Saints KNOWN BY THEIR FRUITS The true faith is Christianity. The true Christianity is Orthodoxy. And the best expression of Orthodoxy is the...
"True" and "Traditional" Back in the old days - like 200 A.D. - there was only one Christian Church. Everyone who was c...
The other night I googled "royal path" just to see what is out there. What I found is that a lot of Orthodox use that term without...
Just what exactly is this "royal path"? The O rthodoxy Church is divided into areas or JURISDICTI O NS. Greek O rthodox, Russia...
Generally we should be able to expect that a newcomer could freely read any and all Lives of Orthodox Saints found on the internet or elsewh...
How can the Royal Path compete for converts? We have so little and the OCA has so much! A person is brought to the Orthodox Church by God. ...
Go to and type "Fr. Seraphim Rose" in the SEARCH BOX. Then click on GO. The St. Herman Press, of the Platin...
[in North America] Start by checking a Directory that shows the Royal Path Churches in North America. ...
Standing Conference of the Canonical O rthodox Bishops of the Americas -founded in 1960 O f course SC O BA has a different definition of it...